Our Story
Love brought us here. ❤️ Like any romance story that starts with a glance or a smile, ours started with a book. An ebook (fine, there were several of them 😉) to be more precise.
Something virtual, something that even in this age of soy cameras on phones or 5G still feels somewhat new, especially for those who prefer physical books. Books that they can touch and smell, with pages they can flip through.
Nonetheless, those ebooks had a small following that slowly grew, and eventually there was a clamor for more. Not just for more ebooks but for more of us. More of SHR.
See how this is really like falling in love? Familiar? Of course! We wanted more, too. And since 2017, we’ve opened our doors, and our hearts to more.
Writers. Stories. Equipment. Readers. And the ultimate — Books. The kind that you can hold and smell and read in bed or in a café. The kind that you can wrap with tinsel and ribbons.
Two years and it hasn’t been an easy journey. We faltered, we almost fell, we took a break but we’re not giving up. We learned so much.
Armed with those lessons, our readers’ support, with fervent prayers and more dreams — we’re back.
And SWEETHEART ROMANCES is here to stay.
Our Promises
Our mission is to publish and make available the best Filipino romance books in the country, stories that will make anyone believe that love will always be a good thing: that despite the highs and lows, the laughter and pain, the hellos and goodbyes — love wins.
We aim to deliver good quality Filipino romance stories that will make you want to fall in love, again and again.
We promise to keep you wanting more with each story.
We will make sure we’ll satisfy.
At the same time, we are determined to provide opportunities for more Filipino romance writers to get published, introduce readers to diverse voices, and come up with more books that both writers and readers will be immensely proud of.
Our Hopes and Dreams
We aspire to become one of the leading publishing houses in the country, that hopefully sets the benchmark for good quality Filipino romance books.
We aim to deliver our promises, and just like in every Sweetheart Romances Novels, we hope our stories will somehow lead you to your own happy endings.

There’s a face behind the mysterious pen name, heart and soul behind each well loved story. Meet our authors, and get to know them better by interacting with them through their social media pages.